Sunday, October 7th, 2007

New Items: Dwalin's Short Robe ; Dwalin's Leggings ; Rothgar's Cape ; Rothgar's Axe ; Hanglos ; Daeronn ; Gollolf

New Mobs: Avorthal ; Dourhand Seafarer ; Avorthal ; Elf-hunter ; Longbeard-champion ; Longbeard-guardian ; Elf-champion ; Longbeard ; Blue-crag Stabber ; Blue-crag Warlord ; Hakon Ironfist

New Areas: The Arming-cave

New/Updated Deeds: Master of Beasts ; Troll-Kicker

Updated Quests:
Instance: To Avert a War ; Mutual Dislike ; To Avert a War ; Beyond the Cave-In ; The Missing Guard ; Longbeard Loyalty ; Dwalin's Bad Day ; The Wisdom of the Thrushes ; Gondamon in the Low-Lands ; The Old Dourhand City ; Instance: Rescue By Moonlight ; Rescue By Moonlight ; Assault on Rath Teraig ; Reluctant Allies ; Cave-claws In the Narrows ; Instance: Assault on Rath Teraig

Updated Items: Dourhand Sword-hilt ; Langlas' Leggings ; Nos Grimsong's Notes ; Stolen Longbeard-gold ; Misty Mountain Silver Ingot

Updated Mobs: Blue-crag Goblin ; Blue-crag Sapper ; Blue-crag Stinger ; Captain Volund ; Vitharr ; Juvenile Cave-claw ; Dourhand Armsman ; Dwalin ; Vale Wildcat ; Nos Grimsong ; Rothgar ; Blue-crag Chieftan ; Blue-crag Piercer ; Dourhand Night-watch ; Mathi Stouthand ; Wild Blue-crag ; Vokvras ; Dourhand Burglar ; Blue-crag Outrider ; Blue-crag Defiler ; Svanr ; Langlas ; Milkeye Burrower ; Blue-crag Defender ; Blue-crag Chief ; Hendroval Canopy-Darter ; Blue-crag Crusher ; Foul Blue-crag ; Stout Dourhand ; Blue-crag Cougar ; Skorgrim

Updated Areas: Silver Deep Mine ; The Last Bridge ; Svanr

Updated Guides: FAQ


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