Expands Game and News Coverage

We've done a massive facelift to the front portal to our network. Along with a cleaner, brighter look, we have expanded our coverage to over a 130 new games with news, forums, wikis and more. This may be the single largest addition our network has ever made. This is still basically a beta version, as there is a big difference between running something internally and sicking a few million people at it, so if you notice any bugs, have any comments, or wish to request any new features, please post about it in our feedback forum.

Here are the main new additions and what they mean:

New Games List. It is our goal to cover every single MMORPG. On our games list, you will find every MMORPG listed with all of the important information about it, including release information, screen shots, news coverage, links, a forum and a wiki. These are basically full coverage sites for even the smallest MMORPGs that you -- the gaming community -- can shape and mold to fit the personality of the game. This is because most of the game information can be controlled directly by the game community through wiki, forums and user submitted news. If we are missing a game you are playing or are interested in, please post a request to add it in the feedback forum. If you play any of these games, or are the publisher, please feel free to fill out the wiki, submit news, add to the game information and otherwise build up the site. We've provided these tools for you to use and enjoy.

User Submitted News. We have opened up our news to everyone. If you find something of interest pertaining to any game we cover, including any in the games list, please feel free to write up a news post about it. Or if you wish to write up an editorial, you can do that as well. News submissions go into a queue where Allakhazam staff members can read them and approve them. We anticipate approving all well written news posts, but have set up the queue to be able to filter out gold sellers and their ilk as well as to contain multiple submissions of the same story. If you are a game publisher of one of the games on our list and want to be able to post news about your game in an official capacity, please e-mail us at and we can give you a specific title to post under. Knowing our community, we look forward to seeing some truly excellent game coverage.

New Front Page. We hope our new front page will become your premier source of all MMORPG news and information. Check out the filter at the top of the page. You can limit the news to particular games or article types and expand the size and number of the articles that appear on the page for you. This is just the beginning for this page. Coming soon will be filtering on article ratings, personalized pages and more. Our goal is to put the control of what you see on our network into your hands and not just in ours.

We're very excited about this addition and hope you enjoy using it.


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new all around mmo site
# Oct 23 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
So you want to be the new if i get it right?
# Oct 23 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Woohoo! That is all.
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
Pet Shrinkage
# Oct 23 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
I would seriously like to know why the pets shrink to little babies when you tame an enormous beast. I go find the biggest critter, tame it and watch it shrink to 1/4 the size it was. I don't know why you do this, but it sucks.
Please let me know, Granny IkiruMizu
# Oct 23 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Good to see Alla is continuing to grow. This site has been bookmarked on my machine now close to 3 1/2 years. Mainly used...probably only used, for FFXI. Good job!
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