LotrRO Interview with Gamasutra

Gamasutra has interviewed LotRO Executive Producer Jeffrey Steefel and Director of Communications Adam Mersky!

You mentioned that you have a demographic?

AM: We're trying, now that we've been out for six months, to get an idea of a player profile. I don't know a lot of the details, but when I saw the initial round of research collected, the most interesting thing that struck me is that a third of our player base is over 35. Which I think went back to our predictions at launch, that we were going to bring a lot of people into MMOs for the first time, or bring in people who have never tried one, because they're going to come for Lord of the Rings first and for the MMO second. We also have a strong enough game that's bringing in core MMO-players from our games and our competitors' games to give it a try, because it's a triple-A MMO.

Really great stuff there!


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