Aggressive Marketing?

I strolled over to Unknown Player for once and awhile visit, where I happened to find some disturbing news. Here's a cut from the article... "Now, imagine our surprise when we saw the latest marketing campaign by Ubi Soft for Shadowbane. Alongside the hip logo of “Mercilessly Multiplayer” was a description for a contest where fans could win prizes from Ubi Soft if they just went onto the forums of their competitors and posted articles saying how “Superior” Shadowbane was to all else. To prove you did it, you would have to cut/paste the text of what you wrote and send it to Ubi Soft’s marketing department to be entered to win." Now I am not making any comments about Ubi Soft, but I will let you be the judge. Feel free to discuss below. Read the entire article here.
Tags: General, News


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# Oct 02 2002 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
Rispect for Ubi is 0 now. As to Shadowbane.... i think i wont buy it now. ill just play DAoC and be happy camper =) as i am.
# Sep 16 2002 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
ITs really not a good idea to post anything from UknownPlayer, they are a bunch of idiots who dont know what they are talking about. This has already been proven as false by other news sources.
How sad...
# Sep 16 2002 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
How sad it is for such a company as Ubi Soft to use such arguments to sell their stuff. I was wondering whether I'd buy that game or not but now I'm quite sure it is a big NO. After all, seeing what they are ready to do to earn more and more to other companies on which they have no grasp at all, I'm afraid to see what they can do to their customers...
# Sep 16 2002 at 4:08 AM Rating: Default
Funny how live goes!!!

and yes i too think this will backfire on Ubi Soft
Shadowbane Playa
# Sep 14 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
Shadowbane Roxorz! It be da bomb, yo. All us Shadowbane playorz be |_337! We have no brains and Ubi Soft is our God. All hail stupidity and sinking to a new low! I think I will go turn this in to Ubi Soft now and get my prize.

(That was sarcasm, for the kids on the short bus)

Ubi Soft should be truly ashamed of themselves for this one. Maybe I can offer a prize for anyone that posts about how crappy Ubi Soft is.
# Sep 13 2002 at 6:45 PM Rating: Default
I think that in the long run it will backfire against Ubi Soft. They create animosity between players of different games and a player to defend his own favorite will choose a product other than Ubi Soft.
# Sep 13 2002 at 6:45 PM Rating: Default
I think that in the long run it will backfire against Ubi Soft. They create animosity between players of different games and a player to defend his own favorite will choose a product other than Ubi Soft.
# Sep 13 2002 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
I am disgusted that Ubi Soft would do this. Now, I have seen Shadowbane, and it is a nice looking game, but demoralizing other MMORPG's is just evil. I never plan on buying Shadowbane, mostly because of this article.
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