Exanimus Dev Log Posted
Examimus has posted logs of their latest dev log! Among other things discussed were these questions.
Q: Are their going to be limited resources in the game world therefore putting a large focus on a player crafting and bartering system?For the entire devlog, click here, and for the super seekrit screenie that was posted along with it, try here! You can discuss the log on the official forums in this thread!
A: I just had to delete this paragraph I wrote to answer this question because I realized that I gave way way to much away. So, in order to answer this question without someone from the team killing me for spilling something I shouldn't, I can just say yes....... and that's it.
Q: Will there be voice chat?
A: This is something that is becoming very common in MMO's today. We currently are evaluating one such system right now and we do have plans for it. But we are working on a way of weaving it into the game that works and doesn't kill the environment or the player experience.