EVE's Trinity is Tomorrow

EVE Online is launching Trinity tomorrow!  Kieron has this to say:
The time for EVE to evolve from beautiful to gorgeous is approaching! Trinity, EVE Online's newest content expansion, will be deployed on Wednesday 5 December, commencing at 0200 GMT. Tranquility and the EVE forums will be unavailable for the length of the deployment, both are expected to return to service by 0200 GMT on Thursday 6 December.

Trinity is EVE Online's largest expansion to date and centers around a new graphics system. EVE players with DirectX9c and Shader 3 capable graphics cards can choose to upgrade their clients to Trinity's Premium Graphics Content. Players without cards supporting DX9c and Shader 3 technology will play EVE with the Classic Graphics Content, but will be able to upgrade once their system meet the Premium Graphics Content requirements. To see a preview of EVE: Trinity, you can download the 102M HD1080p EVE: Trinity Trailer or the smaller 64M HD720p EVE: Trinity Trailer. Other features may be found on the EVE: Trinity Feature Site.
There's lots of excitement, but a lot of downtime, so head on over to our EVE area with the other pilots, and bring some Quafe!


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