EVE Patch Emergency!!!

EVE Online had a major issue with their Trinity update, and here's the news - DO NOT REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER!
If you have Windows AND upgraded EVE Online: Trinity Classic before 4 A.M. GMT to Premium using the content upgrade path then you MUST read this before doing anything else.
  2. Check the root directory of your hard drive and see if you have a boot.ini file. Boot.ini file is normally hidden so you need to click Tools : Folder Options : View and select "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" to be able to see it. You can also check for the presence of this file by clicking Start : Control Panel : System : Advanced : Startup and Recovery : Settings (third button down). Windows will alert you if the boot.ini file is missing.
  3. If boot.ini is still there then you are not affected and do not have to take any further steps.
  4. If boot.ini is NOT there then please click here: FORUM LINK
We have removed the faulty updater so anyone installing the Trinity Expansion now will not be effected.

A new updater will be available shortly.

We apologize profusely for this error and are working on offering more extensive help those that have a non-working Windows PC, so please stay tuned.
Hopefully all of our visitors are safe from this truly atrocious happening!


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