EVE:O Offers Assistance for Trinity Patch Issues

In what could only be called the worst expansion launch in the history of MMO's, EVE Online created such issues for their customers as bricked computers (compuetely useless bricks of machinery).  EVE has now offered up a devlog on what happened.

Why do you have a file with the same name as a Windows system startup file? The answer is really "legacy"; it has been like that since 2001 when the file was introduced on the server and later migrated over to the client in 2002, so this file has been with us for over 6 years. We are reviewing all filenames and changing the name of any file that conflicts with Windows.

Why doesn't Windows protect its system startup files? That's a good question, one that I have asked myself in these last few days and wish I knew the answer. But of course I'm not going to blame Microsoft for our mistake. Windows doesn't protect those files and therefore software developers must take care not to touch them. We should have been more careful.

They also opened up fix it page, which includes info on how EVE will help you if you can't restart your computer properly.


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