Mmolecule Interviews SGW Lead Systems Designer
Mmolecule has an interview up with Chris Bernert, the Lead Systems Designer for Stargate Worlds!
There have been a lot of rumors and speculation about what happens when you die. Can you elaborate on this process?It's a great look at what plans are this early out!
Well, there is a great white light and you then begin to see many loved ones around you as you begin to float upwards and… Oh, you mean within the game.
All kidding aside, no one truly 'dies' in Stargate Worlds. They are just defeated. When a player is defeated they have three options; one is to revive in the nearest hospital. Two is to get revived by another player or three which is to revive where they were defeated. The penalties associated with these three choices are not finalized at this time but needless to say we want to make sure we find the balance between making defeat meaningful verses making it annoying.
Tags: News, StargateWorlds