LotRO Message from Exec. Producer

Jeffrey Steefel, the executive producer for Lord of the Rings Online has posted a holiday message on the official site!
We hope you’re still having a great adventure in Middle-earth and remember, this is just the BEGINNING! Before you know it, you’ll be crossing the “Misties” and riding fiercely among the Rohirrim, delving deep into the mines of Moria, assailing the dark walls of Isengard, visiting the forest homelands of Galadriel and the Ancient Ents. New adventures and features are coming your way as well, to challenge and inspire you on your grand exploration of Middle-earth.

So kick back with a warm cider, fire up LOTRO, and spend winter with us in Middle-earth!

Happy Holidays and looking forward to a great 2008!
Come on "Misties"!  The rest of the message is here.


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