Thursday, December 27th, 2007

A huge thank you goes out to Czarevna for all the quest and quest reward submissions.

One of our favorite submitters!

New Quests:
The Hunter's Injury ; The White Hart ; A Road Seldom Traveled ; A Surprising Taste ; Best Served Cold ; Toad Stews ; A Trap for the Creature

New Items: Forest-walker's Ear ; Indor's Blade ; Toad Stew ; Toad Tongues ; Toad Legs ; Wistan's Legend ; Basic Amulet of the Blood-raven ; Basic Amulet of the Blood-raven Recipe ; Exalted Amulet of the Ashen Eagle ; Exalted Amulet of the Ashen Eagle Recipe ; Exalted Amulet of the Black Lynx ; Exalted Amulet of the Black Lynx Recipe ; Glittering Silver Earring Recipe ; Glossy Edhelharn Token Recipe ; Dark Green Dye ; Glittering Misty Mountain Silver Bracelet Recipe ; Glittering Silver Bracelet Recipe ; Green Dye Recipe ; Greater Essence of Athelas Recipe ; Red Dye ; Red Dye Recipe ; Strong Amulet of the Spotted Lynx ; Strong Amulet of the Spotted Lynx Recipe ; Supreme Amulet of the Frost-lynx Recipe ; Supreme Amulet of the Frost-lynx ; Doom-hunter's Boots ; Doom-hunter's Breastplate ; Doom-hunter's Gloves ; Doom-hunter's Helm ; Doom-hunter's Leggings ; Doom-hunter's Shoulders

New Mobs: Adwold ; Indor ; Wethorm

New Areas: Echad Candelleth ; Tal Bruinen ; Garbert's Cottage

Updated Quests: The Creeping Shadow

Updated Items: Gold Dye ; Greater Essence of Athelas ; Mace of the Woodlands ; Engraved Bloodstone Ring ; Engraved Opal Bracelet ; Glossy Edhelharn Token ; Arohir's Gold Bracelet ; Gaelnin ; Pure Celebrant Salve ; Panthavron's Bangle ; Ornate Black Ash Spear ; Pure Celebrant Salve Recipe ; Engraved Adamant Necklace ; Engraved Adamant Ring ; Ornate Black Ash Hammer ; Earring of the Dragon ; Glittering Gold Earring ; Glittering Gold Earring Recipe ; Dark Green Floor Paint ; Dark Green Wall Paint ; Strong Amulet of the Polar Bear ; Strong Amulet of the Polar Bear Recipe ; Fine Radiant Robe ; Woodlands Jacket ; Ornate Black Ash Bow ; Average Amulet of the Wildpaw-bear ; Chewed Fish Bones ; Pure Flask of Lhinestad ; Pure Healing Draught

Updated Mobs: Kindlemaw ; Wistan


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