EVE Mac Client Review from Macworld

Macworld has done a review of the EVE Online Mac client!

Unfortunately, that new graphics package hadn’t made it to the Mac yet, as this review was written; CCP and TransGaming promised it for Mac users sometime in the first calendar quarter of 2008. So for now, anyway, Mac users are relegated to running EVE “Classic.” Which really doesn’t look bad at all, if you like the cinematic scope of games like Homeworld II, for example.

The Mac version of EVE Online has, frankly, had a bumpy release. EVE veterans who switched to the Mac client immediately noticed that it runs considerably slower than its PC counterpart, for example. TransGaming’s expectation that EVE Mac ran 85 percent of the speed of the native Windows version may hold true for scenes where you’re just flying around, but when you get into serious combat, you can drop into single frame rates.

Read the rest, and find out if CCP has found a winner with the Mac crowd!


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