Brillig's EQ XMAS Story ROCKS!!!
I enjoyed reading it even though Christmas has come and gone. I am sure most everyone will get a kick out of it. NICE Touch Brill.
'Twas Raid Time
I know this is more EQ oriented, but I thought it was so good and holiday spirited I had to share with everyone!!!
'Twas a night during Raid time,
When all through the guild,
Not a person was chatting, all had been killed;
The naked were huddled 'round the South Ro spire,
And looked at each other as their state was dire;
The clerics were dead and the monk failed feigned death,
The others looked on and just held their breath;
"What happened?" asked some in a tone uttered low,
"I'm not sure." replied most still shocked from the blow,
When out of the confusion rose a single lone tell,
"The safe spot is now clear and soon all will be well."
"Who is that?" queried some and others shrugged back,
Some tells were sent but no reply did come back.
The party urged on by the surprising event
Now cheered and rejoiced as messages sent
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
A ninety-six percent rez box for me, click here,
The speed of the boxes, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment he must have the stick!
More rapid than healing his rezzes they came,
With no medding, he clicked, and called them by name:
Rez, Tarheall! Rez, Nishal! Rez, Brillig and Leo!
Rez, Nynnia! Rez, Gurmash! Rez Mikol and Hiro!
To the safe spot again! Stay down off the wall!
Now let's all kill Inny and we'll have a ball!
Next, the puller was pulling mobs with all of her might,
We had cleared the first floor with not much of a fight,
So up to the second floor the raid force did go,
Everyone was fine except for one stubbed big toe.
And then, the party gathered and all saw from there
Inny, that retch, the reason why we are here.
The battle commenced with some help from a blade,
Inny's health is down and continues to fade.
The whole raid shouts out in woohoo's and a woot
The main tank goes over to look at the loot.
A gnome enchanter got an Engineer's Ring!
She was so happy she forgot to yell DING!
A human monk received the Rakusha Cloak,
And it could not have gone to a nicer bloak;
The other items were split up to the rest,
They were rolled upon and given to the best;
Attention was now turned to the mystery one,
All we got out of him was that his job was done.
Although he looked no different than you or I,
We offered loot or money and many did try;
With a wink of his eye and then he did say,
Be good to everyone and you'll see it soon pay;
He took not a cent, but went straight to his work,
Healing all the tanks to take out the big jerk,
And memming his gate spell he stood with a smile,
He brought good cheer to all at least for awhile;
He started to cast gate, a good deed he had done,
Inny was now dead and Faveo had just won.
But I heard him exclaim, as he let out a woot,
"Happy Raiding to all, and to all some good loot."
Brillig Borogoves
Faveo Sulum Ipsemet Ascio
aka "The Edgers"