Realms of Torment Beta Testers to be Announced
Limitless Horizens Entertainment announced today that the first beta testers for their new fantasy based MMORPG Realms of Torment will begin testing on January 19th 2003.
Email Notification is expected to go out later this week for all those who have been accepted into the beta. Those of you who have applied should check out the announcement regarding the beta testing on the news section of Realms of Torment's main page. Realms of Torment is slated for a first quarter of 2003 release and will feature the state of the art Abyssal graphics engine.
Email Notification is expected to go out later this week for all those who have been accepted into the beta. Those of you who have applied should check out the announcement regarding the beta testing on the news section of Realms of Torment's main page. Realms of Torment is slated for a first quarter of 2003 release and will feature the state of the art Abyssal graphics engine.