Who knew retiring could be so much work... Thanks for the post Shasa. Keep up the great work :)
Scott "Unknown Player" Miller
Marketing and Community Manager
Imperial Wars
Unknown Player Retires
The founder and head honcho of UnknownPlayer.com announced his retirement Thursday.
In a message on the site's main page, Scott (the Unknown Player) Miller announced that he is leaving to take a position with Intelligent Life Games. Scott will be the Marketing and Community Manager for ILG's upcoming game Imperial Wars.
Fans of UnknownPlayer will be glad to know that the site will continue to exist, under the direction of new site manager Craig "Daemon" Kirich and new lead editor Chris "Diamonds" Stewart, both of whom have been with the site for quite a while.
We at Allakhazam all wish Scott the best of luck in his new position and thank him for all his contributions to the gaming community.