Eve Online Newsletter: Trinity Patch 1.1

EVE Online has put out their new newsletter!

The EVE Universe quaked with the release of EVE Online: Trinity. Now, behold the might of Trinity Patch 1.1. The Amarr Empire has long boasted about its powerful ships and a fervent willingness to destroy all that opposes them. Finally, the Omen, Zealot and Apocalypse class ships are getting a boost to reflect that devastating potential. However, the ship improvements don't end here. In order to satisfy your lust for carnage, modifications have also come for the Eagle, Moa, Raptor and Ferox class vessels. Head to our download page and get the client of your choice.

EVE Voice gets a few vital improvements including Channel Prioritization, which allows fleet commanders priority when speaking to their fleet. The days of muffled voices drowning out each other while vital disseminated information is missed are over. When your commander speaks, all other voices are muted as to not miss anything important.

Lots more to see there, including links to current CCP positions!


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