EVE Online Trinity 1.1 Patch on March 11th

Just in case you missed it in the earlier EVE Newsletter post, the trinity patch 1.1 is coming on March 11th.  That's next Tuesday!
Trinity 1.1: The Boost Patch is preparing to fire down the pipe and, if all goes according to plan, you’ll be enjoying this “nerf” free patch and all its astounding content next Tuesday, 11 March. The Boost Patch will improve a number of ship classes, EVE Voice and EVE’s marketplace.

“The Amarr Empire has long boasted about its powerful ships and a fervent willingness to destroy all that opposes them. Finally, the Omen, Zealot and Apocalypse class ships are getting a boost to reflect that devastating potential. However, the ship improvements don't end here. In order to satisfy your lust for carnage, modifications have also come for the Eagle, Moa, Raptor and Ferox class vessels.”
One is always nervous when developers start throwing the word nerf around!


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