Connect '08 To Hold Huge LotRO Announcement

Lord of the Rings Online is going to be at Connect '08 with a major announcement, and no one yet, knows what it is!
Codemasters Online and Turbine Inc announced today that they expect this year’s Connect event to be the staging area for a major announcement for The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™.

David Solari, Vice President and General Manager of Codemasters Online commented “Connect is shaping up to be a great event with some massive news. We’re extremely pleased Turbine has agreed to make the trip out to Europe to share the major announcement we’ve lined up for The Lord of the Rings Online. I guarantee it is going to get the community buzzing”.

Jeffrey Steefel, Executive Producer of The Lord of the Rings Online, commented “We are very excited for Connect ‘08. We can’t think of a better place to make a big announcement regarding The Lord of the Rings Online than in Birmingham, the childhood home of J.R.R. Tolkien.”
If you're planning on going, here's the website for info.  If you're not, never fear!  We'll have the announcement up as soon as they go public!


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