Monday, March 10th, 2008

New Quests: Grinding Bones in the Grimwood ; Defend Us ; These People Be Pests ; Hold the Mine ; Get the Troops to Isendeep ; Iron Belly of Tirith Rhaw ; Oil Up

New Items: Crude Map to Tol Ascarnen ; Poor Map of Isendeep ; Poor Map to Grimwood ; Poor Map of Lugazag ; Poor Map of Tol Ascarnen

New Mobs: Rimdal ; Golloval ; Soldier Baush ; Grimfang Lurker ; Grimfang Weaver ; Caragdal ; Taskmaster Ghamp ; Chieftain Torbok ; Tyrant Gundzor ; Soldier Golb ; Alf Earthenway ; Snowreap Ice-fist ; Snowreap Ice-hurler ; Unbound Warrior ; Uidhelos ; Raingorth ; Forgotten Champion ; Umbral Horror ; Penumbral Horror ; Gurhardron ; Thorliw ; Moss-patch Hewer ; Moss-patch Lure ; Gath ; Rottenroot ; Morroval Wing-keeper ; Felwing Screecher ; Felwing Bilefang ; Morroval Stalker ; Morroval Lurker ; Foetid Corpse ; Gworvaethor ; Searing Urfon ; Flame-tongue Salamander ; Bearer of Gelid Resolve ; Malembor ; Moss-patch Tangler ; Lava-born Salamander ; Nurlug ; Gaergoth the Unbound ; Wintersebb Bile-worm ; Munglug the Egg-keeper ; Nemornion ; Tyrant Trintru ; Chieftain Gadhup ; Chieftain Zaburz ; Chieftain Numhokarul ; Chieftain Arshu ; Soldier Fandmau ; Tyrant Barashish ; Soldier Gozad ; Goldhead ; Taskmaster Nursufum

New Areas: The Delving of Fror

New/Updated Deeds: Isendeep Travel Tier 1 ; Lugazag Tower Travel Tier 1 ; Tirith Rhaw Travel Tier 2 ; Grimwood Travel Tier 1 ; Isendeep Travel Tier 2 ; Grimwood Travel Tier 2 ; Lugazag Tower Travel Tier 2 ; Tol Ascarnen Travel Tier 1 ; Tol Ascarnen Travel Tier 2

New/Updated Objects: Entrance to the Delving of Fror

New/Updated Titles: Servant of Angmar ; Servant to Barashish ; Gundzor's Drudge ; Tharbil's Minion ; Burzgoth's Thrall ; Trintru's Trucker ; Gundzor's Flunky ; Tharbil's Lacky ; Burzgoth's Toady ; Trintru's Lickspittle

Updated Quests: Menace in the Mines ; Lashing the Walls ; Feather for His Cap ; Goldhead Must Die ; Weapons of War ; Easy Pickings ; Carving OutHearts ; Big Stuff ; Raid: Tyrant Barashish ; Raid: Tyrant Tharbil ; Raid: Tyrant Burzgoth ; Raid: Tyrant Gundzor ; Raid: Tyrant Durgrat ; Raid: Tyrant Trintru ; Heft and Haft ; Dwarfs in the Mine ; Gobbled Goblins ; Gorgoris the Gorger ; Raid: Captain-General Bordagor ; Raid: Grounding Golloval ; Slaughtering Eagles ; Tools for the Mine

Updated Items: Maggoty Meat ; Exceptional Hide ; Long-lost Second Age Text ; Bundle of Grimwood Kindling ; Grimwood Log ; Grimwood Root ; Grimwood-branches ; Monstrous Cave Claw Digit ; Crude Map of Isendeep ; Map to Gramsfoot ; Crude Map to Tirith Rhaw ; Stinking Poultice ; Bubbling Potion ; Beryl ; Crude Map of Lugazag ; Poor Map of Tirith Rhaw ; Token of Valour ; Rat-folk Stew ; Slug Mash ; Greater Bubbling Potion ; Greater Stinking Poultice ; Odorous Salts ; Solvent of Painful Freedom ; Albino Cave Claw Skin ; Glossy Cave-claw Skin ; Hateful Worm Eye ; Grisly Bat Talon ; Monstrous Worm Scale ; Razor Sharp Cave Claw Nail ; Elf Superb Radiant Gloves Recipe ; Westernesse Superb Radiant Armour Recipe ; Revered Wight Remains ; Pure Salve of Conhuith ; Polished Dwarf-make Knight's Shoulder Guards Recipe ; Radiant Westernesse Armor Recipe ; Monstrous Worm Tongue ; Monstrous Worm Eye ; Priceless Wight Skull ; Priceless Wight Pauldron Fragment ; Priceless Wight Breastplate Fragment ; Priceless Wight Finger Bone ; Dull Spirit Stone ; Glimmering Spirit Stone ; Luminious Spirit Stone ; Crude Map of Grimwood

Updated Mobs: Frostfell Fel-talon ; Tarkripper Quartermaster ; War-Tyrant Akulhun ; Tyrant Durgrat ; Tyrant Tharbil ; Tyrant Burzgoth ; Taskmaster Barzqhosh ; Bok ; Leafcull Shade-lurker ; Leafcull Fell-maple ; Gasham ; Wintersebb Drake

Updated Areas: Lugazag ; Tirith Rhaw ; Tol Ascarnen ; Steps of Gram ; Ost Ringdyr ; Isendeep ; Hoardale ; Hoarhallow ; Grothum ; Hithlad ; Grimwood Lumber Camp ; Gramsfoot ; Gorgoris Outpost ; Glan Vraig ; Dar-gazag ; Arador's End ; Coldfells

Updated Guides: Apprentice Scholar


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