EverQuest Online Adventures: Races on gamespydaily

Over on gamespydaily they posted some info Sony sent out about EQOA class descriptions. Here's what the classes are all about on the PS2 port of EQ.
Sony Online Entertainment sent along part one of a two-part series of media releases detailing the races that can be found in its upcoming PlayStation 2 online role-playing game, EverQuest Online Adventures. Have a peek at the information and the screens below to make your race selection early! We'll have more on the Classes in the game soon! Barbarian: Barbarians are the hardy stock of Northmen from which all humans originated. They are the fierce, steely warriors of legend. Barbarians can be Rogues, Shaman or Warriors. Dark Elf: The Dark Elves are unrivaled in their cunning, wit, and malevolent drive to fulfill their unquenchable desire for personal power. Dark Elves can be Clerics, Enchanters, Magicians, Necromancers, Rogues, Shadowknights, Warriors, or Wizards. Dwarf: Dwarves are a stout and hardy race whose temperament is jovial, though stubborn and unforgiving when crossed. Dwarves can be Clerics, Paladins, Rogues, or Warriors. Elf: The Elves of Tunaria are intelligent, wise and charismatic beings that hold the delicate balance of the natural world as sacred above all things. Elves can be Bards, Clerics, Druids, Enchanters, Magicians, Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, or Wizards. Erudite: Erudites, otherwise known as the High Men, are peerless in their affinity and mastery of the arcane sciences. Erudites can be Clerics, Enchanters, Magicians, Necromancers, Paladins, Shadowknights, or Wizards. Gnome: The Gnomes of Klick'Anon are a carefree race. They are masters of ingenious design and creativity. Gnomes can be Clerics, Enchanters, Magicians, Necromancers, Rogues, Warriors, or Wizards. Halfling: Agile and light of foot, Halflings are a friendly, jovial race that has an oftentimes-dangerous thirst for mischief and adventure. Halflings can be Clerics, Druids, Rogues, or Warriors. Human-Eastern: Humans of the east tend to be drawn into the paths of the shadow, often binding themselves to the forbidden dark arts. Humans of the east can be Bards, Clerics, Enchanters, Magicians, Necromancers, Rogues, Shadowknights, Warriors, or Wizards. Human-Western: Humans of the west are the most versatile in their innate knowledge of magic, faith, and the sword. Humans of the west can be Bards, Clerics, Druids, Enchanters, Magicians, Monks, Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, Warriors, or Wizards. Troll: Trolls are vile creatures ruled by feral and vicious instinct, making them the wholly unpredictable and savagely cruel predators of Norrath's swamps. Trolls can be Shadowknights, Shaman, or Wizards.

Thanks to gamespydaily for the heads up! We'll be keeping you updated as more is released! -Kenti
Tags: General, News


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different looks
# Jan 16 2003 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
And dark elves are no longer blue. That's right, I was beta testing thew final version of the game and dark elves are a greyish ash color now. Some will love it, some will hate it. I was killing them left and right and I still can't decide.
RE: different looks
# Jan 17 2003 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
730 posts
Isn't there a NDA on the final beta? Or was that lifted already?
# Jan 16 2003 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
661 posts
No Ogres!?? lol NOoooO!!!!
Antonius Bayle
# Jan 16 2003 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
730 posts
*comforts Sequince*

Its ok, you'll still have humans to keep up the poaching, recklessness, and stupidity!! *grins*

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