Friday FAQ Addition

Friday was FAQ day over at the Star Wars Galaxies site. Q finally answered the question that was heavy on our minds(well, some people's).
Aw, what does that old toad know? Size does matter and as requested, today’s [url=]FAQ[/url] is about Player Association sizes. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.27 What are the maximum and minimum sizes for player associations? When you first establish a player association hall, it's allowed to have only one member: you. But within 7 days, your PA must have at least 5 members, or the PA will be dissolved. We repeat this check every 7 days thereafter. The maximum size for a player association is 500. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additionally, we’ve updated FAQ 12.22 to reflect that we’re changing the maximum group size from 8 to 20. Enjoy your weekend; spend time with friends, lots of them. -Kevin O'Hara Community Relations Manager

Many people were fighting for no cap at all, but this satiated many! See their comments on the SWG Dev Forums. Even though you can't comment on it anymore, I really think most everything was said already!! -Kenti
Tags: General, News


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