WAR CE Code Issues

If you ordered your WAR Collector's Editions from either Amazon or Best Buy, this info from the WAR Herald applies to you!
We want to make pre-ordering a Collector's Edition as easy as possible. Here are some updates on Pre-Orders from Best Buy and Amazon.com:

Best Buy & Best Buy.com:
Best buy is currently experiencing technical difficulties with their web site and delays in distributing the pre-order boxes to local stores. They are working as quickly as possible to supply their customers with pre-orders, however, at this time many people will be unable to pre-order the Collector's Edition from them.

Customers pre-ordering more than one Collectors Edition per order may only be receiving a single set of codes. We are working with Amazon to ensure all customers receive a set of codes for every Collectors Edition they pre-order.

Contacting Customer Support at Amazon may be able to assist you with orders you have placed. Please visit the following link, sign in, and click the phone tab and follow the instructions provided: Amazon Customer Support

For a full list of our pre-order partners please visit: http://www.warhammeronline.com/ce_preorder/
I guess I need to go stake out Amazon's CS folks, seeing as I ordered eight copies!


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