Monday. April the 14th, 2008

New Quests: Book 11: Chapter 8: The Crumbled CellarBook 11: Chapter 9: The Diary of Sara OakheartBook 11: Chapter 10: A Pouch of Gems for a Box of KeysBook 11: Chapter 11: The Keys RepairedBook 11: Chapter 12: Prisoner of the Free PeoplesInstance: Prisoner of the Free PeoplesBook 11: Chapter 13: Laerdan's FailingBook 12: Chapter 1: Elrond's RequestBook 12: Chapter 2: Unfit Fate

New Items: Drake-skin CuirassDrake Hide Rotting DiaryBox of Broken KeysCoveted GemGoblin-town GemMerilos's MaceFerollochBox of Repaired Keys Candelleth's HammerCandelleth's BraceletRazor Sharp Crawler BarbRazor Sharp Crawler MandibleAmarthiel's Command

New Mobs: Elf-maidenSithad Root-crawlerSithad Blade-beakNarmaleth

New Recipes: Drake-skin CuirassRanger's Cloak

New Areas: Delossad (Sithad)

New Objects: Pile of DebrisLeafy BushBrazierUrnFallen BrazierBooks

Updated Deeds: Woodsman Slayer (Trees)

Updated Objects: Superior Workbench

Updated Quests: Refurbishing the Town HoleFallen to the WargsDark StandardsMany Happy ReturnsThe Founding WritMake Yourself UsefulThe Aid Of HalrosA Perfect FeatherMother of the ValleyFoul WatersThorkell has FallenIn the Dark CleftsThe Thickest of Skins, Part IVWarning: Evil MenAn Unexpected DetourFood and ShelterMasters of the Black SiegeSiegecraftWargs of AnnundirBook 5: Chapter 8: Fire and IceBook 8: Chapter 5: Mordirith's FallSpider GemsRangers’ Sashes – IntroductionOdd RequestsRanger's Cloaks - IntroductionTapestry of Deeds - Introduction A-courting Bree Will GoA Fern By Any Other Name....Instance: Mordirith's Fall

Updated Items: Exceptional HideMonstrous Cave Claw DigitDrake-skin Cuirass RecipeBolt of Silk ClothYellow OnionBleakwind's TonguePork SausageHornblower's HandsFallohide's GreatclubFallohide's CapePure Essence of AthelasArastil's HelmetPerfect tail-featherArastil's HatArastil's HeadgearMatron's BaneMatron's EndThe Matron HunterEstelhamManathamLuth-KlathGillochPhial of the Swirling WatersAranhamHeronhamRianhamFoe of MordirithBane of MordirithPure Celebrant SalveRefined Celebrant OintmentAlbino Cave Claw SkinArmoured Crawler CarapaceBelemaibSign Warning of Evil MenGlossy Cave-claw SkinBattle-standardDrakeskin CuirassBelegmaibBreglosBolt of Elven-clothRanger's SashPristine Leather PlatePristine Leather BraceDarkened Leather BindingsDarkened Leather GuardRanger's Cloak RecipeRanger's CloakGossamer ThreadTapestry of Deeds Exceptional Leather PadExceptional Leather BindingTapestry of Deeds RecipeArangolJewel of Buth Sankhas Thorkell's AxeThorkell's HelmGift MathomRanger's Sash RecipeCrabapple's BouquetCoppersmith SweetsElrond's GiftHithlim's MaceHithlim's Bow

Updated Mobs: Branda RumbleMerilosElrondBleakwindArrodDrakeYoung DrakeOngburz Iron-fistCalengladSalvakhMuraMordirithSara OakheartMordramborDrake MatronLaerdan (Tinnudir Keep)Goblin-town CookGoblin-town GuardGoblin-town KeeperGoblin-town WorkerGoblin-town LasherGoblin-town DelverGoblin-town LickspittleGoblin-town RunnerGoblin-town WarriorGoblin-town DrudgerAngmarim BowmanGoblin-town SoldierGoblin-town SmithGoblin-town JailorAngmarim SoldierAngmarim Lookout Angmarim TorturerAngmarim OverseerAngmarim SearcherIdhrenethCandellethMuildir

Updated Recipes: Tapestry of DeedsRanger's Sash

Updated Areas: Crumbled Cellar


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