WAR Team to be at NY Comi-Con

If you're in New York and want to catch the WAR crew, they'll be at Comi-Con this weekend!
Convention season is finally here again and with that means your chance to see WAR. A ton has changed since last year so make sure you don't miss out!

WAR will be at the New York Comic Con later this week  from April 18-20, 2008
We have a brand new booth, #1649 on the Exhibit Floor, where you can play the latest game build and engage in RvR combat against other attendees.

Presentations and Panels:
On Sunday don't miss Jeff, Paul, and Josh as they present Warhammer Online!
Date: Sunday, April 20, 2008
Room: 1E16
Smoeone go and take pictures!  Then head over to our Warhammer forums and share!


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