A Tale in the Desert Beta Report

eGenesis' MMORPG A Tale in the Desert is closing in on the live date of Feb. 15th, and we have one more Beta 3 report on RPGDot by Val Sucher... Here's a snipit from the article:
There are seven Disciplines in the game. The Discipline of Thought, Body, Worship, Leadership, Art and Music, Conflict and Architecture. Each Discipline has unique tests that one must pass to be initiated and advance further. The Discipline of Leadership requires a citizen to take a petition around and get 20 people to sign it to be initiated into the Discipline. In theory, those 20 people who sign the petition believe that the petitioner would make a good leader and thus show their support for the petitioner by signing. Once initiated into the Discipline of Leadership, one has new goals opened to them and receives certain benefits from passing the test. For instance, you can bring a petition to be voted on by the populus of Egypt with fewer signatures on the petition. The next test is the Test of Mentorship which I discussed earlier. The initiate must have 7 shrines built in their honor to pass the test to become a Student of Leadership. One can also continue mentoring and gaining shrines which give more bonuses to the Leadership Student. For instance, with 28 shrines built in their honor, all skills at Schools are half priced. So it truly pays to mentor new players.

The entire article has lot more and some great screenshots. Check it out HERE. -Kenti
Tags: General, News


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