Tuesday, April the 22nd, 2008

New Quests: Instance: The Red-Pass

New Items: Money-bagChainmail Gloves of MightRobe of Absorption

New Mobs: RadagastNevenVile WightIvar the Blood-handFibur Foul-heartWarped Blood-oakRavenTwisted Blood-mapleFoxFrogDour-rootWretched WightRabbitSquirrelGrasping HandWretched WightWarrior-shadeFallen Red-soldier

Updated Objects: Money-bag

Updated Quests: Refurbishing the Town HoleA Blade of RenownInstance: OthrongrothBook 2: Chapter 8: The Red-PassVessel of PurityIvar the BloodhandGrimbark's ReclamationReclaim the Lost MaidenA Sister's Love

Updated Items: Lesser Essence of AthelasGuardian's AxeIvar's HelmEitor-kalsak's MandibleFallohide's GreatclubFallohide's CapeDwarf Leather Shoulder Guards of DeterminationCeleglangLarge Wight Finger BoneLarge Wight SkullFetid Wight Grave Dust PileThe Scavenger's LotScale Boots of the EglainRing of the EglainBracelet of the EglainThe Urn of AgamaurDwarf Leather Boots of MightTough Huorn TwigsTough Huorn BarkTough Huorn BranchDannasen's KnifeMenevaibAmarthgolDorchristStrange RockDannasen's BreastplateDannasen's JacketDannasen's ShirtDannasen's DutyDannasen's OathIvar's DefeatSaeradan's BowBloodhand's DoomCelegdramGoldberry's HopeOakenbark's RedemptionSapphire ShardPure WaterSpiked Hand Axe of the MountainsEngraved Bloodstone Earring RecipeGift MathomThe Filled Urn of Agamaur

Updated Mobs: Defender of Ost GuruthEriac the StrongDannasenElsa the BoldVile Bog-prowlerEitor-kalsakSvalfangCreeping Red-rootGrim WightFearsome Muck-waterGrimbark


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