Diablo 3 Rumors Zoom Across Internet

Most of us have assumed that Blizzard's hiring frenzy has been in response to Starcraft II and some believed it was for WotLK developers.  But recently even more rumors are spreading about Diablo 3 as we move towards Blizzcon.

For so long their top secret project was unknown, and while today's rumors aren't new - they may certainly explain some things!

So today's rumor mill info can be found in the following places:
Diablo Fans
Blues News

While there's nothing to really report, very few expect an announcement before Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational June 29th.  We know that anything Blizzard does with Diablo will certainly include online play, so we're waiting to hear just as eagerly as you are!
Tags: News, Blizzard


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