Monday, June the 16th, 2008

New Items: Improved Lute Strings of Minor SubtletySuperior Fried Dace with MushroomsSerene StewSerene Stew RecipeSuperior Catfish Cakes

New Recipes: Fried Dace with MushroomsBlueberry MuffinsConey PieSerene StewStuffed CabbageMarinated ConeyPrepared Golding HopsPot of Crude Honey and OatsCatfish CakesComplete Hobbit BreakfastConey Stew

Updated Quests: A Taste of Skill, Part II

Updated Items: Complete Hobbit BreakfastCooked CarrotsBlueberriesCabbageChicken EggCoarse FlourCommon MushroomConeyCut of BeefFresh ButterFresh CarrotHoneyLardPie CrustPork ShankRaw Pork SausageShire SeasoningsTaterUncooked BaconVegetable OilWaterBall of TwineDirty Shrew ClawKindling MaterialRowan WoodHard BiscuitsMountain BasilYellow OnionPork SausagePot of Crude Honey and OatsEggs and OnionsStuffed CabbageFried MushroomsCampfire MaterialsBlueberry MuffinsSuperior Blueberry MuffinsSerene StewSuperior Hard BiscuitsSuperior Stuffed CabbageConey PieSuperior Coney PieCampfire Materials RecipeConey StewSuperior Eggs and OnionsSpiced PotatoesSuperior Complete Hobbit BreakfastSuperior Coney StewSuperior Cooked CarrotsSuperior Fried MushroomsSuperior Pork SausageBlackened Boar IntestineOatsAle YeastBag of SaltApprentice's Ale RecipeBlueberry Ale RecipeLager YeastLute Strings of Minor Subtlety RecipePrepared Golding Hops RecipePrepared North Downs Hops RecipeMarinated ConeyBlue BockBlueberry AleBold StoutLute Strings of Minor SubtletyPrepared North Downs HopsPrepared Golding HopsSpring Barley MashNorth Downs HopsSpring BarleyGolding HopsSmall Clay PotCatfishDaceCatfish CakesFried Dace with MushroomsCrushed Intestine

Updated Recipes: Pie CrustPork SausageCampfire MaterialsHard BiscuitsApprentice's AleBlue BockBlueberry AleBold StoutCooked CarrotsEggs and OnionsFried MushroomsLute Strings of Minor SubtletyPrepared North Downs HopsRoast PorkSpring Barley MashSpiced PotatoesMushroom Pie


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