Updates for April 30th
Wow, big day for the last day of April. Bodael sends us word that the drop for the 23 quest is improved (which means I expect you guys to be flooding me with armor submissions - haggan@allakhazam.com ), and we have a huge update today. Enjoy your questing time, and the rest of the day!
New Items: Crystalline Mace ; Goldlight Breastplate ; Small Stilletto ; Cazicite Crusader Breastplate ; Worn Wardog Boots ; Pilgrim's Staff ; Link Mail Boots ; Swiftclaw ; Bitter Gloves ; Barkwood Timber Belt ; Nitedread Boots ; Soldier's Helm ; Gusty Boots ; Summoners Hat ; Ebb Wand ; Thornsilk Gloves ; Ebb Tunic ; Epurating Bracers ; Carved Ivory Bracelet ; Mummified Wristbands ; Serpentine Bracer ; Goblin Bone Crown ; Boots of Goblinkind ; Brundite Necklace ; Crown of Provocation ; Stormy Tunic ; Stormy Tunic ; Griffon Cap ; Earring of the Wind ; Granite Rune ; Gnoll Tribal Necklace ; Gloves of Endurance ; Boots of Endurance ; Vibrant Bracers ; Ice Storm RIng ; Dancer's Foil ;
New Quests: Human Ranger Lvl 07 ; Elf Enchanter Lvl 13 ; Dwarf Paladin Lvl 20 ; Oasis of Marr Lvl 30 Quest ; Troll Warrior Lvl 40 ; Lvl 33 Bastable Quest ; Human Qeynos Monk Lvl 30 ; Lvl 33 Blakedown Quest ; Erudite Paladin Lvl 15 ; Human Qeynos Wizard Lvl 10 ; Human Qeynos Wizard Lvl 13 ;
Tags: EverquestOnlineAdventures, Updates