Hot Fixes for October 3rd, 2008

Just posted are some hotfixes for today!  The following categories are included:

* Art and Animations
* Capital Cities
* Content
* Items
* RvR

To check out the complete list of fixes, click on the "More..." link below.  We've also included the list in our forums .

Update: Fixed an issue that was allowing players in the Phoenix Gate scenario to take the flag back to their spawn point, preventing the enemy from claiming it.

Art and Animations

  • Bats will now flap their wings properly.
  • Tweaks have been made to improve the animations of the Hydra.
  • Female Dark Elves will no longer appear to have distorted faces when in a sitting position.
  • Improvements have been made to the appearance of clothing and armor on many NPC's. These improvements were made to resolve clipping issues.
  • The High Elf and Dark Elf /special emotes have been adjusted so that all held weapons are sheathed first.
  • Animation of the Squig Herder ability Plink has been improved so that the arc of the arrow's flight better matches the animation.
  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a monster or NPC to hold a weapon improperly (i.e.; holding a pistol as if it were a sword).
  • Fixed an issue that would display newly-created Bright Wizards in the wrong animation state.

Capital Cities

  • The naked Dwarfs occasionally spotted roaming the streets of Altdorf have been asked to don clothes, and have done so.


  • We have fixed a bug with the damage output of monsters in Tier 4+ dungeons.
  • Corrected an issue that was preventing players from completing the "Neborhest's Vanguard" public quest.
  • Fixed an issue in the public quest "Deathstone Quarry" that would, in rare instances, cause Arkus the Changer to become unkillable.
  • The Bastion Stair boss monster Lord Slaurith will now spawn properly.


  • Fixed an issue with some Collector's Edition reward items that was causing their buffs to expire prematurely.
  • We have identified a few items that had the wrong slot assigned to them. These items have been fixed.


Some of the monsters and doors in the RvR fortresses were found to have improper behaviors and settings, making them less challenging than originally intended. These issues have been corrected, and RvR fortresses should now provide a more appropriate level of challenge to players.


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