State of The Game - Mark Jacobs

Mark Jacobs goes through the past month of WAR and gives us an account of how successful the game has become, how well it's doing in terms of performance on your PC, and what we can look forward to down the road.  No mention of an expansion yet... /doh!

After over three years of work and one of the smoothest launches in MMORPG history, WAR is moving quickly towards the end of its first month.  This is a perfect time to take a look at where we were, where we are and where we are going.  First, on behalf of everyone at Mythic, I would like to thank you for your interest in our game.  While it is impossible for me to personally thank all 750K+ worldwide account holders, please know that we are grateful for your support to date and the support we hope you will show us in the future.  It’s been a long road to get where we are today but it has been a worthwhile journey.  While I might be tempted to say that the future’s so bright we have to wear shades, as you’ve seen from our podcasts, we’ll even wear those indoors.

We've included Mark Jacob's letter in our forums.  You can also view it at WAR Herald.


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