Mother's Day Updates

I hope everyone is spending time honoring the people who brought them into this world instead of playing. My heart goes out to all the Mother's out there, we do really appreciate what you do for your children. Ok, now for the updates. New Items: White MulletStripped MadtomBotters BonefishHanging ShadFrozen HoopRed Stained TunicIndigo SabreHeartwood ShieldAdamant GirdleLoam Covered HelmRowen'Dal Deathknight's GlovesRaging BandBlack Boots of SpiteBlack Breastplate of SpiteBlack Bracers of SpiteGreat Axe of SpiteBlack Legplates of SpiteHard Water BeltHard Water HelmSandclaw BaubleStrategist EmblemEarthen ShieldCentaur ShotelPolar Bracers

New Quests: Freeport Level 30 Side QuestHodstock Lvl 23 Side QuestBarbarian Shaman Lvl 15Elf Magician Lvl 20


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