Hero's Guide Shares Information on Durin's Way

The Lord of the Rings Online development team has posted an in-depth Hero's Guide to Durin's Way as they continue to prepare us for the release of Mines of Moria on Nov. 18.

This proud level of Moria is named for the eldest of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves—Durin of the Longbeard Clan—and the sixth king to bear his name, the second-last to rule in Khazad-dûm. It is the northernmost territory inside Moria; it lies above the Great Delving, Zelem-melek and the Twenty-first Hall, and Nud-melek and the Bridge of Khazad-dûm.

Keep reading here or below to learn all you could ever want to know about Durin's Way.

This proud level of Moria is named for the eldest of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves—Durin of the Longbeard Clan—and the sixth king to bear his name, the second-last to rule in Khazad-dûm. It is the northernmost territory inside Moria; it lies above the Great Delving, Zelem-melek and the Twenty-first Hall, and Nud-melek and the Bridge of Khazad-dûm.

During the reign of Durin VI in the Third Age, the Dwarves delved too deep in search of mithril and awoke the Balrog. This led to their expulsion from Khazad-dûm and the subsequent infiltration of Orcs, Trolls, and other dark creatures

Along the southern region of Durin's Way stretches the path the Fellowship of the Ring took from the three-way junction to the Chamber of Mazarvul, and on to the Second Hall. Heroes in The Lord of the Rings Online™: Mines of Moria™ can explore Durin's Way by following in the hurried footsteps of the Fellowship as they fled east from the hordes of Orc-kind and the Balrog. Other chambers and passages are illuminated by huge, crystal lamps, along with an occasional window beaming sunlight from above.

Durin's Way harbors Orcs directed by the brutal White Hand Uruks of Saruman. In addition, there are conscripted Goblins and their vicious warg mounts and the Merrevail, an ancient evil race not seen in many centuries. Two major Dwarf encampments serve as quest hubs: the Stone Hall and the Chamber of the Crossroads (also known as Three-Forked Camp). Dwarf contingents here organize strikes against the Uruks and Morroval forces, repair ancient structures, and uncover their ancestors’ secrets—all in their quest to reclaim Moria from the servants of the Dark Lord Sauron. Any help they can find is welcome, of course.

The Stone Hall

The circular, expansive Stone Hall is a hub for accessing several other sections of Durin's Way. It is located in the north-central section, in an area known to the Dwarves as Jazargund. The Dwarf contingent is well stocked with supplies, and can offer provisions and healing. Because there are Relic-masters and Forge-masters present, you can create and advance your Legendary Items—a good thing, as you will need to help retake these halls. A sturdy Dwarf named Brogur leads the forces here. Brogur believes the curse that holds Moria in its evil grip is nearing an end, and more Dwarf warriors will come to reclaim the ancient halls. Brogur came to Moria with his cousin Bósi, who doubts that the malevolence lurking in their ancestral home is diminishing, and fears perhaps darker evils are at work in the ancient mine.

Brogur intends to lead a major offensive against the White Hand Orcs, and has many grand and perilous quests awaiting heroes of Middle-earth. Each quest you complete helps Brogur come closer to thwarting the servants of Saruman and stabilizing the region.

Brogur and his lieutenants have devised hit-and-run tactics to strike at the leaders of the White Hand. He hopes your success will throw the Orcs into disarray so Dwarf troops from the east can finish off the vile creatures. An accomplished hero should have no trouble with Brogur’s quests … if his guess is correct.

The truth is the White Hand are not the major force in Moria, as Brogur believes. An even greater Orc army dwells deep within the uncharted reaches far below. Saruman sent the White Hand to establish a foothold in Moria and investigate the strength of Mazog’s armies. The wizard wants to add Mazog’s force to his own in the service of the Dark Lord. While defeating the White Hand is a key quest, you will learn that Brogur's overconfidence may well anger the “real” power behind the evil that skulks in Moria.

Chamber of the Crossroads

As you pass into Moria’s danger-filled depths, you are likely to gain quests at this hub Once it was a major intersection in the maze of Khazad-dûm, linking Durin’s Way to the Great Delving. A guardroom here includes a well that nearly proved to be the doom of Merry and Pippin, and also provided shelter for the Fellowship on their journey through the darkness.

Now the guardroom is commanded by Brogur's cousin, Bósi, who entrusts you with several quests meant to rid this region of the White Hand of Saruman and other vile creatures. Bósi agrees with Brogur that the White Hand Uruks need to be purged from their encampment at Ninknakh Faltor. He is concerned, however, that Brogur is overconfident and may suffer a fate similar to Balin. Bósi also believes that the discovery of the collapsed Chamber of Mazarbul and recovery of the Book of Mazarbul are keys to defeating the White Hand and what lies beneath. To this end, Bósi and his Dwarf comrades have come up with a daring series of missions to help crush the White Hand. These include repairing the damage left in the wake of the Balrog; finding provisions lost in a recent Orc attack; and using careful deception to slaughter the leader of the White Hand, thereby throwing their forces into disorder. Without a strong leader to guide them, the Dwarves from the east promised by Brogur should make short work of the White Hand and bolster defenses throughout this region.

Antagonists of Durin's Way

As you traverse the chambers and passages once held by the great Dwarf-kings of Khazad-dûm, you cannot help but marvel at the grandeur of Durin’s Way. The magnificent, countless columns and elaborate designs covering rune-carved stone monoliths stretch as far as the eye can see.

Quests in Durin's Way are designed for character levels 51-54. They are best approached after you've completed quests in the Great Delving, or as you travel north from Zelem-melek and the Twenty-first Hall. Completing the first three epic quests better prepares you for the dizzying, nail-biting decent into the deeper levels to the south.

The White Hand Uruks of Saruman

The haunt of the White Hand in Durin's Way lies just north of the Chamber of the Crossroads, in a region known to the Dwarves as Ninknakh Faltor. The White Hand came to Moria to recruit Mazog's armies to serve Saruman. The leader of the White Hand in Moria has had several meetings with Mazog’s envoys, but so far has been unable to gain their loyalty. He has also sent word to Saruman that he believes Mazog and his armies might be Mordor Orcs. When you encounter the White Hand in the chambers and thoroughfares of Durin's Way, they are most often accompanied by conscripted Goblins, deep bats, and warg-riders.

The lair of the White Hand lies in a very defensible area guarded by tough mobs of conscripted Goblins and bats. Slaying the White Hand leader is a critical step to completing the epic quests here. You must finish the earlier quests bestowed by Brogur and Bósi to have a chance against this powerful Taskmaster Uruk. With the death of their leader, the remaining White Hand Orcs and their allies will flee deeper into Moria. Several members of the White Hand have also made their presence known east of Jazargund.

Goblins and Warg-riders

Controlled by the Taskmaster of the White Hand, lone Goblins and warg-riders wander throughout Durin's Way. They are especially prominent south and west of the Stone Hall. A large contingent of Goblins and bats directed by a mob of conscripted Goblin defenders and captains occupy Gloku-ru, north and east of Mazarbul. This serves as a guard station for Ninknakh Faltor, directly east of the Dwarf gardens of Tharâkh Bazân. Many warg-riders wander the extravagant gardens and Salab Nuriundul, the immense passage that connects Tharâkh Bazân to the central hub of the Stone Hall.

The Merrevail

The Dwarves know little of these vile man-bats, who over the years have carved a home for themselves in the far eastern caverns of Durin's Way. These caverns were once mined for the great crystals used to bring light to Khazad-dûm, and some of these raw crystal treasures still can be glimpsed jutting from the cavern walls. The Merrevail did not occupy any passages of Moria prior to the coming of the Balrog, and they are believed to have been spawned by the Dark Lord Sauron long ago for some unpleasant task.

A Morroval resembles a cross between a bat and a mortal woman, while the Mervuil males have a more vicious, bat-like appearance. No longer restricted to the east, the Merrevail are found in small numbers throughout Durin's Way. Hunters break away from the main pack to search for food—and they are not particular about whether they eat Dwarves and Goblins. The Merrevail nest in the high reaches of the eastern caverns, dwelling on perches that overhang roaring fires for warmth.

Merrevail include warriors, slayers, workers, slingers, and defilers. In the farthest eastern reaches, where no Dwarf has stood for ages, rules a queen cloaked in mystery and wearing evil like a second skin. It is unknown at this time whether the Merrevail directly serve Sauron, Saruman, or operate independently.

Other Locations

If you're traveling solo through Durin's Way—or through any region of Moria—you had best have a good idea of where you’re heading. If you lose your way, you will not likely survive. Durin's Way is thick with secrets and harbours many significant locations.


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