Preview of EQOA - Frontiers

I sat down with several EQOA developers while at E3 and discussed both the new Frontiers version of EQOA and other upcoming changes to the game. Sony likes to call this new edition of their MMORPG for the PS2 a second edition rather than an expansion. The reason is that the disk will contain everything that was contained in the original version of EQOA, with quite a few new and enhanced features. Players who have the original version will still be able to play with those who get the new version, but they will be excluded from the new zones and from playing the new race, and will of course not get the other new features packaged on the new disk. From the looks of it, this will be a nice addition to what is already a very good game. So what can you expect to be added with this new addition? Well, before I get to that, I’ll cover what is getting patched in before the new addition. The Sony producers were very eager to point out that many of the most anticipated enhancements are getting patched in over the summer before this disk even gets released. These include new trade skills such as jewelry crafting, armor crafting, weapon crafting, tailoring, and carpentry, a new high level raid zone and new items and quests. The new zone, called the Isle of Dread, is expected to be available in June and will be a high level, multi-group, raid zone the likes of which EQOA has not yet seen. Also being added over the summer is a built in auction feature where players will be able to place items they find or create up for an e-bay style auction. So what is going to be on the actual Frontiers disk? The first thing will be a complete revamp of the graphics engine. The new zones will have more detail in them than the existing ones. What they were showing at E3 looked very good. It doesn’t bring EQOA up to the level of EQ or other PC games, but it gets it a step closer. Plus, it is not just the new zones that will be affected. All of the existing zones will be populated with new flora, to give them a fuller, more realistic feel. The other major graphics change is the revamp of the characters. The new disk will give you far more customization of the look of your character than is now available in EQOA. Moreover, they intend to introduce this in much the same way Luclin was introduced in EQ, letting existing characters get a face change option to change their current appearance to the new models. All in all, everything should look much better with the new engine in place. Two other major changes with the new addition affect the level cap and the skill slots. The current cap of 50 will be raised to level 60 in the new edition. Unlike when they did this in Everquest, the game was designed right from the start with the idea that they would eventually be raising the cap. Thus, the classes and zones were supposedly pre-balanced to take the new cap into consideration. So if you have reached level 50, don’t despair. You will soon be able to go higher. The other major change is the addition of 5 more spell/skill slots. Right now you can only memorize 5 spells or skills, and choosing between what you actually have and what you can quickly use on demand can be very difficult and annoying. Frontiers is going to double this and give everyone 10 slots for memorizing their spells and skills. Personally, I’m almost as excited about that addition as all the other ones put together. As with any expansion – err, second edition – there are going to be lots of new zones, new items, new spells and a brand new race (the Ogre) and class (Alchemist) to play. Alchemist is going to be a class that creates a variety of potions and uses them in much the same manner as the spells of the casting classes. There will also be a new soundtrack. The music will apply to the old zones as well as the new ones. There will be music for battles and situations and also just for ambience as you walk through certain areas. The new zones are geared around two areas. The first set of zones are located around the new race, the Ogres. The lore is that the Ogres feel comfortable enough to venture forth into the world and thus the lands once closed off by them will now become open. Ogres, of course, are an evil race of mostly warrior types, and can generally be described as a large, powerful and not too bright. Players who buy Frontiers will be able to roll up and play new Ogre characters. Expect the city of Oggok to make its first appearance in the world. The other new zones will revolve around the voluntary exodus of the Erudites to their new home in the continent of Odus. For those who know the lore of EQ, this is before the Vah Shir were exiled to the moon Luclin, so there should be plenty of cats to deal with on Odus. I am told that Highbourne will still remain even after the majority of Erudites leave, so those who are playing an Erudite and don’t get Frontiers will still be able to do the current sets of quests. Over the course of the summer, expect there to be events leading up to the Erudite migration. I am told they have a number of things planned. There are also some new zones separate from those two events. There will be at least one Plane that you can enter. The one I was told about was the Plane of Sky, realm of the god Veeshan. This is going to be laid out similar to how the Plane of Sky is in the PC version of Everquest, though I am told that there are going to be some significant differences as well. Basically, it is a string of Islands, each of which requires you to accomplish something in order to move further into the zone. I also expect that the dragon, Lord Nagafen, Everquest’s original master nemesis, will make his appearance in this new version. All in all, there will be a significant amount of high end content added with this addition. If you currently play EQOA, this looks like a nice set of additional features that will really enhance the playing experience. The new graphics look very nice and the new features, especially the level cap and extra spell slots, are well worth the additional costs. Plus, everyone likes new zones, classes, races, quests, items, and so on. More is always better. If you haven’t tried out EQOA yet and are a fan of role playing games, this is definitely something you should consider. Once you have experienced the interactive aspects of multiplayer gaming, those single player games will never feel quite good enough, and on the PS2, you really can’t do any better than EQOA.


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# Feb 12 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
its simple they should add pvp just like the old ones and if u dont want it on u can shut it off while who ever wants to battle it out can. there shouldent be another server there shouldent be a new area just for it u should be able to do it any were. plus the people who are just starting would find it entertaining to watch. they should make it definitly.

humpy troll war 23
# Jan 03 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
this game sucks ***** and I think that the old one was better and the characters look so much better in the previous game.
# Nov 27 2003 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
ajaja AJAJA ajjajja AJJAJJA **** is funny and fun to watch!
last question
# Nov 13 2003 at 5:52 PM Rating: Default
yes theres a new continent called odus and u can get there from different npcs one is in fp one is in oggok one is in hb those are the locations ive used i think theres a few more tho im still in beta and what ive seen in the past few weeks is gonna be enough to keep any bored player occupied cant wait to get my new game and start grindin my 50s to 60 lata
RE: last question
# Nov 26 2003 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default
***** another server...give us arenas in main cities where we can duke it out....i dont want to have to start another character with none of my rares and money just for pvp

Diren Hold
Lvl 51 Bard
# Oct 14 2003 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
I third that, PvP is a great way too tell who is the better of two ppl. It also is great fun to beat on eachother. I agree that PvP shouldnt be forced upon ppl. If Sony creates a PvP server expect it to be full.
# Sep 29 2003 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
i love everquest but i think socom 2 is gonna beat the **** out of frontiers!
-Maester Reid-
# Aug 30 2003 at 4:50 AM Rating: Default
I want PVP !!! FOR EQOA...
they should add another sever for us Poeple Who want PVP.... and make it so like after lv 10 u can PVP aound ur lv like 10-12 12-14 14-16 and so on ....there going to add it pvp its just going to take some time ..<><><><> eh and also make it once a monster is targeting u players cant hurt u and u have to have full health to be able to attack some one both players....that would make PVP far and not Unfar to make players **** when fighting some one i should talk to e3 poeple i think i have a good idea on this PVP for eqoa for them ...they should here me out .
# Aug 30 2003 at 4:44 AM Rating: Default
[Gold][/Gold]GIVE US PVP >>>or Just make a another Zone for pvp playes that go around ur lv like in EQpc i think that would be pimp or just Friken add a new sever for pvp poeple want pvp they should banne pvp from eqoa...sooner or later there going to have to add pvp... Lv 47 necro ^^
# Jul 15 2003 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
Some idiot in message board said that your forced against your own will in PvP. i went to E3 and asked the booth people they said if they do decide to put it on there will be an option that both players must agree to fight eachother
# Jul 15 2003 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
Some idiot in message board said that your forced against your own will in PvP. i went to E3 and asked the booth people they said if they do decide to put it on there will be an option that both players must agree to fight eachother
# Jul 02 2003 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
# Jun 29 2003 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
I really want Player vs. Player that would be awsome and make the game 10 outta 10 instead of 9.5 outta 10. P lease would you add PvP i can't wait till November please add PVP Zalith Lvl.20 Ran on Proudpine Outpost
# Jun 22 2003 at 10:30 PM Rating: Default
On Rangers how come you cant hit enemys while there Snared i think this is bull! Youll need to make it so Snare dont break i mean cmon whats da meanin of Snare if you cant hit them. Please reply.BULL BULL BULL BULL BULL
# Jun 22 2003 at 10:30 PM Rating: Default
On Rangers how come you cant hit enemys while there Snared i think this is bull! Youll need to make it so Snare dont break i mean cmon whats da meanin of Snare if you cant hit them. Please reply.BULL BULL BULL BULL BULL
# Jun 22 2003 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
# Jun 22 2003 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
# Jun 19 2003 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
i want PVP!
# Jun 19 2003 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
i want PVP!
# Jun 18 2003 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
I agree that pvp should be held in an arena, gladiator style not freelance. personally i have no desire to fight other players and dont think its right for someone to be forced to against thier own will!
cant wait
# Jun 18 2003 at 5:22 AM Rating: Default
November is just too long to wait .. i gotta try an Alcimist

Troll Shaman Marr's Fist
Hay %4 you uglyerdem me .. Me thinks me kill you now!
real role playing...
# Jun 17 2003 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
i have to give EQOA its props as a good online experience, but as to it being the best game for PS2....u are sadly mistaken. Final Fantasy has and always will be the ruling RPG on the PS2 forever. The much anticipated Final Fantasy XI will blow the graphics engine of, even, Everquest 2 out of the water by using their CG sequences they hope to bring on a whole new era in mmorpg world. Everquest is a great game and i probably will always play it but it shall never amount to the RPG Kingdom that is Final Fantasy.
# Jun 09 2003 at 7:35 PM Rating: Default
does anyone have any Deathfrye Boots or Dancer Foil or any Hardwater armor or a Crabstar Scimiar im on proundpine my names Snowy plz send my a tell if u have any and u r willing to trade HEY TROLLSLAVE(Inside Joke Ignore if u dont no me) my names snowy lv 34 delf warrior GO ENDLESS NIGHTS

thats our site not done yet and i should b an officer no a member i offcier in guild now lol i dont even no y i wrote this ty

# Jun 06 2003 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
The characters better be transferable........why would i work to hit 50 just to start over in frontiers. If we buy the game we should be able to transfer characters. will we be able to do so?
RE: transferable
# Jun 11 2003 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
from what been made public it sounds %100 fact that they're trasferable and you can even play with frontier people even if you only own the first disk.
old playas
# Jun 04 2003 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
will the old players be transfered to fronteirs or will u have to play the first everquest to play the char
# Jun 04 2003 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
But if you have PVP then High level people will just kill low level people.

Now if you could go in an arena like in Highborne then that would be ok.
# Jun 05 2003 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
Well, if they added PvP, it'd probably be like in EQPC, where there's a level limit.
# Jun 24 2003 at 11:29 PM Rating: Default
well if u think thats gonna be a problem, in order to pvp sombody they have to accept a challenge, that would answer all of ur ppl's problems.
# Jul 07 2003 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
eqoa is a PvE game (player vs. enviorment) based on player co-operation not dispute.
How many times do you need to be told that before you go play Tribes?
The DEVs say it all the time, it not a game based on players beating on eachother. But rather on platers joining together against a common Dragon..Er.. Foe. Get it now?
# Jul 07 2003 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
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