Updates for June 6th
Here the updates for today.
New Items: Oracles Boots ; Lumberjack's Blade ; Light Shield ; Stone Knife ; Crude Shortbow ; Worn Quarterstaff ; Bishop's Ring ; Falcon RIng ; Totem of Goblin Lords ; Chilled Maul ; Goblin Sacrificial Shank ; Goblin Hatchet ; Icewolf Tunic ; Pious Bracelet ; Brundite Earrings ; Sunsprint Gloves ; Ivory Handled Greataxe ; Quartzite Tae Ew Spetum ; Flashfreeze Wand ; Bracelet of Shattered Gems ; Kelp Sandals ; Combine Warclub ; Combine Battlehammer ; Multi-colored Bracers ;
New Quests: Saerk's Tower Lv 27 Quest Part 2 ; Highbourne Lvl 20 Side Quest - Endin ;
Tags: EverquestOnlineAdventures, Updates