Galaxy Online Begins English vs Chinese Tournament
Interestingly enough, Galaxy Online is entering the first phase of their English vs Chinese tournament! Competitors will find themselves in a special server named 'Battleground,' where they will fight for control of the most galaxies on the server. Whoever occupies the most galaxies at the end of 5 days will win the tournament. Obviously the tournament server will feature accellerated construction rates, and players will begin with lots of extra resources, so this promises to be a faster tournament than regular Galaxy Online play. Feel free to check out the official news post on their forums here.
The first phase in the battle between the Galaxy Online ( English version players and their Chinese opponents is just around the corner and the anticipation and excitement are mounting. We are now pleased to announce the details and rules about the International Battleground.
The tournament will be launched at 9:00pm EDT (GMT-4) May 5th and closed at 10:00pm EDT (GMT-4) May 10th. The server for holding this special contest is named Battleground, which can be seen in the login window.
Considering the particularity of the International Battleground, we’ve adjusted the rules of the battle as follows.
Winning: When the battle ends, the side that occupies the most galaxies, wins the battle.
Initially, each participant will be provided with 50 million Science points, 1.5 billion Alum, 1 billion Gas and 0.9 billion Population.
In contrast with common servers, in the International Battleground shipbuilding is accelerated by 120 times, and other building’s construction has been accelerated by 10 times, while fleet flight speed has been tripled.
Each English version participant will start with 20,000 Mall Points.
Notes: On each planet, the amount of any type of resource cannot go beyond 2 billion. The superabundant part will vanish, so remember to utilize the black market to balance out the resources.
Please enter the tournament as quickly as possible after it opens. Wish all the players good luck!
For more details, please visit