June 21st Game Updates

Straight from SOE: Today's update is mostly "behind the scene" changes, with just a few item changes to report. Abilities: Increased all Shaman stat buff durations to 30 minutes from 15 minutes. Corrected an issue with the Druid curative line of spells that was preventing some of them from being cast on other players. Item Updates: Updated the shield of dragonkin to be useable by Halflings. Changed the dread riders spear from being stackable


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pet casters strongly effected
# Jun 22 2003 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
I have been waiting for the pet caster updates for a while.

The enchanter has been greatly improved with his ability to command his own pet.

The pets are all more powerful - they pull aggro much better. However they are also much more expensive. Pet grouping has become out of the question for power leveling.

Enchanter's pets heal themselves, so it is not a problem for them.
Magicians can heal their pets slowly, so it is not to much of a problem.
However Necromancers can only use tap on enemies and pact with their pets. My Necromancer has become seriously effed. It is very hard to solo with my Necromancer any more as I can only do 2-3 summons before I am out of manna. At least before I could do a summon and buff before every battle.
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