Blizzard Previews Tier 9 Set Designs

Blizzard has created an under development page for the Tier 9 class sets that will be released in patch 3.2. You can currently check out the Alliance Mage (above), Priest and Warlock sets, as well as the Horde Hunter and Shaman sets.

So what do you think of the designs?


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# Jul 05 2009 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
I'm certainly in agreement that these sets are boring. It shows, they they were kinda slapped together and given different color schemes. I wonder though if, while it may be lazy of them to do this, that this fits with the style of instance they are releasing. More than likely we are gonna see a new tier set altogether for Icecrown Citadel. All the different levels of armor being the same based on faction could play to the sense of alliance team versus horde team that in an arena could play out well. It's still not an excuse for the laziness, but it's at least something to think about.
# Jul 04 2009 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Characters already look similar enough when half the characters of a certain class are wearing the same tier sets. How much worse will it be when difference classes are wearing nearly identical gear. I thought it was bad enough when arena 4 was like that but tier gear is far more common.
Slightly QQ
# Jul 03 2009 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
While the sets themselves look decent, I think they look more like a PvP set or a Dungeon set, not something supposed to be the next tier of gear. Generally unimpressive, especially compared to gear intended to be inferior to the previous tier of equpiment.

Another thing that bugs me is the homogenization of classes. They are going to make armor levels (cloth, leather, mail, plate) have unique looks, not the previously established pattern of a unique look by class.

This is going to make all of us look similar and bland. The only difference between the classes of the same armor type is color and small details only visible close-up, like small sword emblems in the Alliance Warrior gear. The largest of these designs it seems will be on the chest, which is easily obscured by a tabard, something the vast majority of players wear.

To me it just seems lazy and, again, bland. I hate to be another QQ-er about this upcoming patch, but from what we know about it, it has me less than excited.

I only hope that Blizzard's less-than-exciting previews are only a small snapshot of something large, excellent, and overall, fun.

Edited, Jul 4th 2009 12:58pm by IDrownFish
Down the hill we go
# Jul 03 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
I joined the WoW community after playing Eve Online for 3 years and I was stunned at the variety of looks that were available with the gear. As time has marched on however, I find that Blizzard has shifted from trying to get the best impact on the playerbase with each change, ie. different looks for each class's gear, to trying to rush new content in so that the established players wont pack up and move to a different game. I'm my oppinion what they are doing will do just the opposite for the long term hardcore players as we watch Blizzard make it easier and easier for new players to achieve what we have done and just blow off the time it once took to create the distinct gear models that made it look cool in the interest of "hurry up and get it done" changes.

Bottome line? Come on Blizzard, lets make WoW the best it can be rather than worrying about the upcomming competition. If WoW is better, the people who leave to try out the new games will be back.
# Jul 03 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
So far I am disappointed I agree they do look the same and kinda boring. Would have liked to see something that makes each class their own. Though glad to hear... hear mind you they could change their minds... that horde and alliance will have unique looks to distinguish them apart.
More variation, please?
# Jul 03 2009 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with DF that they DO look nice... but, please.. more variation than just colour schemes? >_>
This is something I'd expect to see on Arena gear, not on Tier pieces.
# Jul 03 2009 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
I would agree that there needs to be some variation in the appearance. Btu maybe there will be since thisi s under development not the final product! At least not yet. Please Blizzard, don't be any stupider, at least be original with the gear!
Thumbs down
# Jul 03 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
So basically, they have all been revealed, just not the color schemes. Clearly from this, there are only 2 faction based models. Boo!

Taking bets on what class gets hot pink!

Edited, Jul 3rd 2009 9:17am by SnerfTheWhipple
# Jul 03 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
So Priest, Lock, and Mage all have the same armor except different colors. So do hunters and shaman.... I am disappointed in the looks of the sets so far. I wanted each class to have its own appearance.

I personally think 3.2 is a little early to roll out t9. Granted, 3.2 might not be out for some time, but it seems on my realm that most people are just making it to Ulduar. I would have waited until 3.3 to release tier 9 and would put more time into each classes design
meh - BumP
# Jul 03 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
I noticed two parts to this post - The first being that they all look the same... I agree. I think, however the reason as to WHY they all look the same is more interesting than the fact that they all do look the same. IMHO - Content and creativity are not focused upon the finer points any longer. None of the old world areas see any changes. The instances and the quests for characters lvl 1 thru 60 old world are as tired as they can be. Again, why? I should like to hear the opinions of others on this, I already have my own.

The second part which discusses, briefly the incorrect timing of adding thse items with 3.2. I can't really speak to this. On one server I see people complaining that they need something to do now that Ulduar is on farm. On yet another server people suggest that Ulduar needs to be nerfed and that it is too hard. Seems subjective to the quality of gear and play that a given server presents.
The Same
# Jul 03 2009 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
All of the alliance ones look exactly the same but with different colors.
I like that!
# Jul 03 2009 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Now that is nice!

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