CCP Prepares for Fanfest with Convention Season

EVE Fanfest 2009 is scheduled to be held from Oct. 1-3 in Iceland, but CCP is using the convention season as a way to prepare for the big event. To that end, EVE Online will have a presence at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle from Sept. 4-6, Dragon*Con in Atlanta from Sept. 4-7, and the Game Developers Conference Austin from Sept. 15-18.

If you can't make it to Iceland in October, you still have a chance to get your EVE convention fix this year. According to the announcement by CCP Manifest, PAX is "one of our favorite shows each year, bringing the unbridled enthusiasm of video games to the downtown area." So if you plan on attending, make sure you stop by the CCP booth and enjoy some PvP at the stations.


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