New Port Battle Encounters Added to Testbed

As we reported, Flying Lab Software is adding two new port battle encounters to Pirates of the Burning Sea and giving existing encounters their own swashbuckling rooms. If you're interested in being among the first players to try out these new maps first-hand, all you need to do is participate in the upcoming testbed events. The first is actually being held today at 1 p.m. PDT, while the second will be held tomorrow, Sept. 25, at 11:30 a.m.

The Flying Lab team will be giving out levels and money before the events start so you can prepare your character for the test. Players who participate will be rewarded with an exclusive title and belt. Directions on how to take part in the events can be found below.

Here’s what we need you to do to take part:

  1. Update Testbed to the latest version, and then be online at the time mentioned above. If you already have a level 50 character on TB, please be sure his skills, outfitting etc are ready and working before the event.
  2. Gather in the starting town for your nation.
  3. GMs will be on hand to hand out money and levels if you need them. They will also add contention points to make you eligible for the port battle.
  4. Once you receive your invite and the battle begins, go directly to the Swashbuckling part of the port battle. You’ll have a chance to play through one full battle at the end of the event, but for the first few we want to focus on the forts and towns.
  5. Tell us about your experience by visiting the Testbed forum!


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