FFXIV Campaign Code with FFXIII?

UPDATE: Confirmed with picture from next week's Jump: FFXIV Campaign Code

A rumor has made its way through the tubes that early copies of Final Fantasy XIII, which goes on sale December 17th, may contain "Campaign Codes" related to Final Fantasy XIV. Unfortunately, there are no details as to what the codes may activate. Early speculation leans towards either a slot in the beta, one of the promised "focus groups" or perhaps just some special item.  However, any high hopes should be kept in check until more details emerge.

Still, while the purpose is unclear, there is some precedent for such an offer. Along with the recently released 4 Warriors of Light Final Fantasy Gaiden, Square Enix is running a campaign for early buyers.  If one purchases a copy and enters a special code on the Square Enix Members site before November 8th, they are eligible to receive a special Dragon Standee, pictured left.

Being a fan of anything from Square Enix with two or more F's in the title, I picked up this DS cart on release day and entered my code online.  There are a few things I noticed along the way that speak well for this rumor.  First, is the item is used as a display in stores and cannot be obtained in any other way.  We know Square Enix is willing to provide unqiue items beyond what are offered by trading points in their Members Store.  Second, the process entailed filling out a survey in which it was indicated there would be future "early purchase" bonuses. 

We'll have to wait and see if they do in fact adopt the early purchase campaign to Final Fantasy XIII and what prizes they have in store.  Maybe I shouldn't have checked "did not affect my purchasing decision" on that survey...

Tip o' the Taj to FF14-FAN for the info.


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FFXIV Campaign Code with FFXIII?
# Nov 06 2009 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
sure hope they have this.

i wont mind buying ff13 if i can get promised slot in close beta ^^
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