Diligent Players Spy Sentinel's Fate Info

Players eager for a sneak peak at the upcoming EverQuest II expansion have been diligently datamining, and some have struck paydirt!  As reported at EQ2 Wire, player Vulkoor found some Sentinel's Fate files being downloaded via the EQII patcher.  This seems to happen every year, but they aren't usually seen until after Beta starts.  He reports 13 mob models with a heavy sword and sorcery, classical mythology, and D&D influence including Cerberus. Chimera, and Beholders.  He's also identified eight sentient races, two dragons, and six models of floating disk.

Meanwhile EQ2 Wire noticed the distinctive filenames in the SOE-released Sentinel's Fate screenshots, and has identified seven potential zones.  Some, like Stonebrunt Mountains and the Hole, were mentioned at Fan Faire.

While it's very early to nail down expansion info, the vpaks are usually a good source.  Vulkoor claims that he's called it right the last two expansions, and we've no reason to doubt him.  It's safe to speculate that at this late date the races and general models are pretty solid.


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