New House Items in Free Realms

The January Member's Pack arrived yesterday, and in it was a nice variety of new blocks for housing! Players have already proven what creative designs they can build with the previous sets of blocks, so these new options fired off a great idea in my head--its obstacle course time!

The new choices of blocks, available in either the Marketplace or the Coin Shop, include various shapes such as cylinders, wedges and arches. Most of these blocks are solid colored, but you can find zany tiger-striped versions in the Coin Shop. All of these new options show that the developers were listening to the players and checking out what had already been accomplished with the limited choices in the past.

So, how did my obstacle course turn out? Find out for yourself by watching the video after the hop!

I only spent roughly one hour creating this course, and while I had many other ideas for it, they would've been too time consuming (and money intensive) to implement currently. Can you guess what competition was my inspiration for this course?



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