Raid the Batcave!
DC Universe Online's Chris Cao reveals that the highest level raids will involve storming Batman's Batcave and Superman's Fortress of Solitude.
Wow, talk about big time bosses. During the DC Universe Online "Loot" video, Chris Cao off-handedly mentions that the biggest, toughest end game raids include storming Batman's Batcave and laying siege to Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Our guess is that the two heroes are gonna be pissed, and you'll probably have to fight them. Consider our minds blown and duly persuaded to play as a villain.
Chris also speaks about the epic-level loot that will be available if you complete said raids, all of which will be appropriate the heroes or villains you take down. He speaks about massive robotic armor and magical robes with floating runes, but our minds can't help but wonder what the loot will be for taking down Batman or The Man of Steel. A villanious new Batman outfit or a Batmobile "mount"? Only time will tell!
Check out the video below to see what we're talking about.