Gamespot's Guild Wars 2 Interview Highlights

Guild Wars 2 against "killing 10 rats" and loot stealing.

Props to for putting out a good interview with the chaps from Guild Wars 2. GW2 really seems to be trying to revolutionize the way MMOs work, shunning old MMO conventions like bland quest requirements and loot/experience stealing. Read the full interview here.

Interview Highlights:

-Hate doing the same quest everyone else is doing and not feeling like a hero? Guild Wars 2 rep Eric Flannum said they won't have you curing a sick character just for him to fall over and get sick so the next player can cure him.

-No boring quest text boxes and quests have lasting effects. Think less of "go kill 10 centaurs mulling about in a field" and more "centaurs are invading the city, right now, and if you don't kill them, they'll kill your shop owners."

-Fully-voiced cut scenes. Dialogue trees.

-Your character will have to choose between saving an old friend or a large group of strangers, and live with the consequences.

-Cooperation in Guild Wars 2 will always be beneficial for all players involved. If you helped kill a monster, you'll get experience and loot, but it won't ever take any away from another player that helped.

ArenaNet sounds like it's rolling the dice and playing for keeps. We love that they're taking risks and we hope it pays off for them.


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