Vindictus Early Access Beta Begins Sept. 15

Testing phase will run through Oct. 6 and characters will no longer be wiped.

If you've been following our Vindictus news, you know that the ZAM staff is excited and intrigued by this game. To put it bluntly, this free-to-play action MMO looks brutal. Don't believe us? Check out Mike B's recent BFF Report where he plays through the Vindictus closed beta. I'll wait.

You're back? OK, let's get to the actual news portion of this post. Nexon has announced that the Vindictus Early Access Beta will begin tomorrow, Sept. 15! So how do you gain access? Well, all closed beta testers will automatically be entered in the Early Access Beta, and various gaming websites will be handing out keys. Also, everyone who plays in the Early Access Beta will receive two keys to give away to other prospective players. Time to make some friends in the Vindictus community!

The Early Access Beta will run through Oct. 6. All characters created during this phase and moving forward will not be wiped, so this is the perfect time to get in on the ground floor.


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