Darth Hater Talks with SW:TOR Lead System Designer

Damion Schubert discusses various aspects of the game, from character creation to questing.

The Darth Hater blog had the opportunity to speak with Damion Schubert, the lead system designer of Star Wars: The Old Republic, at GDC Online, and the interview is an interesting read. Schubert discusses topics that include character creation, animations, the design of planets, class stories, and more.

Schubert mentions the fact that BioWare wants to give players more for questing than for killing random enemies. He says that the feedback has been good from testers regarding the pace of the game:

"One of the questions we ask of our focus groups and in our player surveys when we give them is 'Does this pace feel correct? Does this feel like a grind to you?' I am actually incredibly gratified to find that most people give an answer of 'this is about right' with 'little too fast' and we get like a five-five which is actually good because players feel a little like they are cheating, and that is kind of where we want to be, and hopefully that feeling will extend throughout the experience of the entire level curve, that remains to be seen. We feel pretty good about where our grind is because people give us the best compliments which you can get about a grind is that it doesn't feel like a grind."

Check out Schubert's entire interview at Darth Hater for an interesting look at the making of Star Wars: The Old Republic.


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