Red 5 Studios Debuts New Firefall Gameplay Trailer

This incredible new MMOFPS just dropped jaws at DigiChina.

Hot on the heels of Global Agenda's announcement of a new MMOFPS titled "Tribes Universe," Red 5 Studios has decided to fight back with their amazing new gameplay trailer for Firefall, an MMOFPS set to launch in 2011. From the footage so far, the game looks pretty darn incredible, and the team hopes it will feature team-based action on a massive scale, alongside a persistent world and persistent character progression.

Included within the trailer were some amazing graphics, unique armor and weaponry, what appeared to be reailly large-scale PvP and a lot of epic music. There's not much else to say on this matter, but that doesn't mean there isn't much in the trailer, it's just that there's a lot to take in, so you should get to watching instead of reading this. The video is also included after the jump.

Tags: Firefall, News


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