Welcome to GuildFans!

ZAM is proud to announce the launch of our new Guild Wars 2 community site! Check it out for forums, news, information and more!

GuildFans Announcement

We are proud to finally announce the opening of GuildFans, a brand new Guild Wars 2 community site on the ZAM network!

My name is Jeahr, though some older members of the Guild Wars community may also know me as JR. I've been involved with the fansite business for many years, and I'm pleased to have the opportunity to work with ZAM on opening this site. Guild Wars 2 is a game I'm incredibly excited for, and we're hoping to provide the best experience for every community member here.

I'm not the only pilot on this ship, though! With me are two old colleagues, Kattar and Inde, both of whom have a lot of experience with running Guild Wars fansites and online community. I'll leave them to introduce themselves properly, over in the introductions thread.

Finally, I'd like to thank Micajah and the rest of the folks at ZAM for being incredible accomodating. It's great to have the backing of a big network, one that still thoroughly understands the needs of a community.

So, head over to the forum, register if you haven't already, and start posting! Also make sure you've checked out our exclusive interview with Eric Flannum, and our exclusive contest with LTL Prints where we are giving away some sweet Guild Wars 2 wall graphics! You think those are awesome? It's only the beginning.


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