SOE Lifts NDA for DC Universe Online Beta

Sony Online Entertainment just announced that the NDA has officially been lifted for the DC Universe Online beta! Players in the beta are now allowed to share their thoughts on the game. In a letter to the community, Game Director Chris Cao thanked the beta testers for all their feedback and said, "it's time to take a step closer towards launch." You can read his letter after the jump.

If you want more details on DC Universe Online, take a look at our coverage of SOE's recent DC University press event. Check out our gameplay impressions and our interview with Creative Director Jens Andersen that covered numerous aspects of the game.

So beta testers, what are your thoughts on DC Universe Online?

Beta Players,

We’ve played together in DCUO’s closed Beta for months.  We’ve posted back and forth, voted Up or Down, and shared this new universe together.  Now, it’s time to take a step closer towards launch.

Thank you, all, for your play and feedback.  We appreciate that, despite the challenges presented by a game in Beta, your feedback has helped us understand the game from a player’s point of view.  Your thoughts, critiques, opinions, and suggestions have given us a wealth of perspective to draw from.  DCUO is a far better game today because of your efforts.

Today, December 6, 2010, the NDA will be dropped across the game and the Beta forums will change.  We will move together from our closed beta forums to our official forums.  Our conversations, and our game, will be shared with the world.  So keep playing, keep posting, and keep talking about DCUO.

You’ve helped us make a good game great.  Let’s keep that going as we finish out beta.  Thank you.

Game Director Chris Cao


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